Keep the ban on bee‑killing pesticides

To: Environment secretary

Pesticides that kill bees are once again being allowed to be used in England – even though they are supposed to be banned.

The neonicotinoids are banned by the European Union because of the “serious danger they pose to bees” – which are so vital to our ecosystem.

A third of the UK’s bee population has disappeared in just a decade, yet bees pollinate three quarters of our crops.

When reversing the ban, the British government said farmers can use the deadly pesticides if it is deemed ‘necessary’.

But there is no situation where putting Britain’s diminishing bee population at risk can be seen as necessary. We all depend on bees – we need to protect them.

The ban on bee-killing must be brought back immediately and the government has to find a different way to protect farmers’ crops that doesn’t put our vital pollinators at risk.

This disaster-in-waiting for bee populations must be stopped.

Highlighted comments

No bees = no pollination = no food. It’s not difficult.

Sian, Norfolk

I don’t understand why the rules should now suddenly change because we’ve left Europe! Protect our crops and our bees!

Erin, Cornwall

Another broken promise from this government with no scruples or integrity. Knew this would happen after Brexit. They cannot be trusted.

Elaine, Yorkshire

I care deeply about this issue and feel betrayed by the government due to these pesticides being reintroduced.

Alison, Bristol

As a horticulturalist I know the damage that is being done to our ecosystem by these chemicals.

Lionel, Cardiff

We’ve had years of data showing the danger to bees from these pesticides and we know bees are vital for our continued survival.

Sean, Bristol

Our whole ecosystem will collapse if the bees disappear. Please re-ban this dangerous pesticide.

Jane, Perth

Banned in the EU for good reason: neonicotinoids will be a disaster for the UK’s already struggling bee population.

Martin, Sussex

Without bees 🐝 we would not survive. They must be protected. I feel angry that the Government has broken yet another promise to the nation.

Susan, Yorkshire


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