Extend furlough – prevent mass job losses

VICTORY! This petition was successful – the government extended the furlough scheme to the end of September 2021.

To Rishi Sunak, chancellor:

We need furlough to be extended for the long term, until the pandemic is under control.

The Bank of England has warned that 2.5 million people could be out of work by the end of the year – bringing about the highest unemployment rate the UK has seen in a quarter of a century.

Mass unemployment on that scale would shatter millions of people’s lives, and make it more difficult for the economy as a whole to recover from the effects of coronavirus.

Food banks are already sounding the alarm that demand for food parcels will go through the roof as job losses hit, and it’s families with children who will be the worst affected.

Other countries have recognised the severity of the situation and extended their job retention schemes – France and Germany are both extending their furlough programmes to 24 months. The UK should follow their example.

Highlighted comments

I’m currently on Furlough and work in event management- very little prospect of returning to anywhere near my previous hours giving the new restrictions.

Emily, York

I have been furloughed and have had no update as to whether I will be returning to work or made redundant. Now the lockdown risk is rising again, I don’t want to be out of a job.

Jennifer, Kent

People’s livelihoods and lives depend on this help! You cannot sentence people to huge debts, poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own.

Zoe, North London

My son is currently on furlough and will have no income after October. He is a sound engineer in live music! Not happening any time soon.

Diane, Chester

The nation cannot afford the long-term cost of mass unemployment, and so must accept the short term cost of extending the furlough.

John, Oxfordshire

It’s appallingly unfair that the government will spend billions on bailing out large corporations, including those that are ruining our environment, but not support ordinary people in the basic necessities of life in a pandemic.

Meg, Cambridge


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