Making people show ID to vote in elections is an ill-thought out plan is locking many poor and vulnerable people out of voting. This must be scrapped.
The previous government introduced a new law that requires everyone to show photo ID when voting in general elections.
But many of the poorest and most vulnerable in our society don’t have a passport or driving license, and the cost of getting one can be too much if you’re on a low income. 3.5 million people currently don’t have photo IDs.
There is a ‘voter ID’ card that people can get, but you’d need to hear about it and apply in time for the election, or risk being turned away at the polling station.
The thought that people can be locked out of voting is scary.
And this was implemented by a government who knows that the people most likely to be affected, are the ones who are least likely to vote for them.
The scheme was supposedly to reduce voter fraud. However, there is no proof that this is a big problem in the UK. The official statistics watchdog has rebuked the claim that this type of electoral fraud is increasing.
The new government should repeal the voter ID law.
Voting is our right – not a privilege. All voter ID requirements at the polling booth must be scrapped immediately.
“Not everyone has photo ID – many do not drive or have a passport. Voting is a right and we need to encourage people to exercise that right, not put them off with unnecessary bureaucracy.”
Kath, Lancashire
“I’m signing because this was deliberately brought in to disenfranchise poor voters who can’t afford a passport or driving licence. It’s a disgrace.”
Jonathan, Liverpool
“This and other measures are straight up voter suppression attempts. Instead of trying to appeal to voters with policies, the Tories want to lock in their position by cheating. It’s copied from the worst bits of the US Republicans and it must not stand.”
Alison, Hull
“For a government who have rejected identity cards (didn’t Johnson say he would eat his?) to bring in voter identity cards is an attempt to disenfranchise the poor and marginalised and exclude potential Labour voters.”
Nadine, Hertfordshire
“This is likely to reduce turn out rather than increase it which is what is needed in a democracy. I have seen no evidence of voter fraud and therefore this change seems completely unnecessary.”
Helen, Norwich
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